Clothing Inside:
Addressing American Prisons
September 1st - October 1st, 2022
The Aronson Gallery,
66 5th Ave. New York, NY, 10011

The Prison Industrial Complex maintains its power, in part, through obscurity. Despite the fact that there are about 2 million people incarcerated in the United States, their lived realities are concealed from the broader public. By revealing the material conditions behind bars, however, the humanity of those living within these carceral structures can come to the fore – and strike against the prison’s structural power.
Clothing Inside: Addressing American Prisons seeks to do just that. The items included here fall into three different categories: they are items of bodily adornment that are mandated by the state, clothing items that offer opportunity for self-expression and protection, and items of dress used to protest conditions of confinement. While each included object grants power to a different entity – either the prison itself or those within the prison – every object relates back to fashioning the body and engages with the logic of the prison. While the realities of prison may feel far-removed from the general public, clothing is an everyday material that is universally felt and seen. Consider your body as you walk through this space. Can you put yourself in another’s shoes? What would it feel like to wear the items on display? What would it feel like to live in them, day after day? What function does this material experience serve? Can you imagine a new world, beyond prisons? How would it look? How would it feel?
Visit Us
To access the galleries, guests and visitors must provide proof of up-to-date vaccination, including a booster when eligible. The following protocols will be in place to ensure a safe and healthy experience for everyone.
Masks must be worn in concert and lecture venues and are encouraged and optional elsewhere indoors.
The New School has partnered with CLEAR to utilize Health Pass, an online tool that safely and simply verifies proof of COVID-19 vaccination. To get started, download the CLEAR app and enroll for free:
For the most efficient entry possible, all guests should create a free CLEAR account and complete the checklist for entry requirements.
How to complete your Health Pass
Download the CLEAR app and tap the white Health Pass tile
Tap ‘Events’’ and select The New School tile under ‘Venues’
Enroll with your government issued ID or if you are already a CLEAR member, verify your identity with a quick selfie
Follow the prompts to verify your proof of vaccination and booster dosage
Accept the Know Before You Go
Before you arrive, reopen the Health Pass tile and produce your pass. Green is good to go! Be ready to show security for faster entry.
The Welcome Center Visitors Desk located at 72 Fifth Avenue will remain open in a limited capacity to support the guests who may not be able to use CLEAR.
Monday through Thursday 7:30am - 9:00pm
Friday 7:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday 8:00am - 6:00pm